In association with The National Archives

WW1 Ships Lost At Sea, 1914-1919

Embark on a voyage through history with the WWI Ships Lost at Sea records! Over 500 British Royal Navy vessels met their fate at sea during the First World War. Curious about a specific year or ship? These records offer a treasure trove of information, including the ship's name, date of destruction, casualty counts, vessel type, and the circumstances of its demise. Delve into maritime history and explore these records, housed at The National Archives under the series ADM 242/6, to uncover tales of valour and loss from the Great War.

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Embark on a voyage through history with the WWI Ships Lost at Sea records! Over 500 British Royal Navy vessels met their fate at sea during the First World War. Curious about a specific year or ship? These records offer a treasure trove of information, including the ship's name, date of destruction, casualty counts, vessel type, and the circumstances of its demise. Delve into maritime history and explore these records, housed at The National Archives under the series ADM 242/6, to uncover tales of valour and loss from the Great War.

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