Discover more about your Shropshire ancestors in 1831. These records are from the fourth census in Great Britain recorded on 30 May 1831. The returns are from St Julian’s parish and includes 631 households. In the images, you can discover if your family employed any servants or labourers, in what type of industry they were involved and how many people were living in the home in May 1831.
Discover more about your Shropshire ancestors in 1831. These records are from the fourth census in Great Britain recorded on 30 May 1831. The returns are from St Julian’s parish and includes 631 households. In the images, you can discover if your family employed any servants or labourers, in what type of industry they were involved and how many people were living in the home in May 1831.
Each record includes an image of the original census return and a transcript with the name of the head of household. The details in each transcript can vary, but can include:
Marital status
Place and county
Archive reference
The images reveal additional information about the household that are not recorded in the transcripts.
The number of houses the head of household is responsible for
The number of families residing in the household
Families in agriculture, trade or otherwise
The number of males and females as well as the number of males under the age of 20
Further details about the occupation of the household and whether they employed labourers
Number of male and female servants
The number of house buildings and uninhabited buildings
This census was created on 30 May 1831 and only recorded the name of the head of the household. The 1831 census was the fourth census to take place in Great Britain, which included England, Scotland and Wales. According to the census returns, there were 16.54 million people in Great Britain. These records include the names of 631 people from Shropshire. The original records are available in the Shropshire Archives. Due to the age of the records some documents have been damaged.