Do you have Scottish ancestors’ from Aberdeenshire? Explore this collection of Poll Tax records from 1696 and find out how much your ancestor paid in tax. The Poll Tax was introduced to help fund the army and navy.
Do you have Scottish ancestors’ from Aberdeenshire? Explore this collection of Poll Tax records from 1696 and find out how much your ancestor paid in tax. The Poll Tax was introduced to help fund the army and navy.
Each record includes a transcript and original image. The amount of information in each record varies, you may be able to find a combination of the following:
First name(s)
Last name
The original images may also include the following addition information:
Place of residence
Spouse’s name
Parent’s name
Tennant name
Amount payable tax
Releasing the importance of increasing the efficiency of the army and the navy to combat the danger from foreign and internal enemies, the Scottish Parliament imposed a new Poll Tax in 1695 to augment existing sources of revenue.
Poll taxes were imposed in 1694, 1695 and twice in 1698 to pay off the debts and arrears of the army and navy.
The amount of tax due by each individual varied, it was based upon rank and means rather than property, however, the very poor and children were exempt from paying the tax.
These records list a varied range of people who were liable to pay the tax, from aristocrats to tradesmen.
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